Co-hosted by Leslie Neustadt, the International Women’s Writing Guild sponsors the no-cost, online Friday Free Writes series. This June 11th virtual event will feature XU XI 許素細, an author of fourteen books — five novels, one memoir and eight collections of stories and essays. Her latest titles include This Fish is Fowl: Essays of Being (2019), Insignificance: Hong Kong Stories (2018) and the novel That Man in Our Lives (2016). Forthcoming in October is The Art and Craft of Asian Stories: A Writer’s Guide and Anthology, co-authored with Robin Hemley with whom she co-founded Authors at Large, a company that hosts international (and online) writing retreats and workshops and offers mentorships for writers with their collective of authors. Most recently, Xu established the Mongrel Writers Residence™ as a hideaway for “mongrel” writers like herself.
Xu has taught writing at universities and colleges worldwide for almost twenty years and currently co-directs The International MFA in prose for creative writing & literary translation. Previously, she had a long career in international marketing and management in the U.S. and Asia. An Indonesian-Chinese-American diehard transnational, she has split most of her life between Hong Kong, where she was born and raised, and New York City. These days she splits her life, unevenly, between the state of New York and the rest of the world. Follow her @xuxiwriter on FB, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.